Our Divisions:
| Policy Administration & Support
| Human Resource Management Center (HRMC)
| Public Service Performance Management (PSPM)
The Public Service Office is mandated to provide strategic leadership, direction and guidance to the Public service on the human resource management & development and administration of staff benefits and conditions of service. Chapter IV Schedule Part 2 of the Constitution mandates PSO to provide strategic leadership and guidance to the Public service as follows;
- Manage the Public Service
- Develop and manage Human Resource Development Strategic Plan
- Maintain the Public Service Personnel Database
- Administer the National Conditions of Service (Public Conditions of Service)
- Coordinate In-Service Training Programs and Awards
- Administrative and Common Cadre training and development
- Retirement extensions
- Creation of new posts
- Post Qualification Requirements (PQR)
- Coordinate Staff appraisal and performance management
- Manage Overseas Volunteers and Technical Assistance
- Public Service Commission staffing and support services including other matters beyond the Commission’s authority
- Maneaba ni Maungatabu staff and support services including other matters beyond the authority of the Speaker
- Kiribati Housing Corporation
- Judiciary and Non-Judicial staffing and support services including other administrative matters beyond the authority of the Chief Justice
- Kiribati National Audit staffing and support services including other administrative matters beyond the authority of the Auditor General
- Maintain Establishment Register
- Maintain Staff List